“You see her as you see anyone in this world: distorted, warped, reflected, refracted, contorted, mutilated by time.”

“You remembered,” she said, surprised that this thing called time had happened to us after all.”

“Time travel me back.Let me say good-bye again.A minute more, a moment,a chance to see. . .”

“Any time gone by was better.”

“It has been said, ‘time heals all wounds.’ I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.”

“I dragged myself to my feet, and with my hellhound in tow started off once more through the fastness of the wood, feeling, as the poet did before me, that my companion would be with me through the nights and through the days and down the arches of the years, and I should never be rid of him.”

“As if the dead really do persist, even in a bottle of wine.”

“You that in far-off countries of the sky can dwell secure, look back upon me here; for I am weary of this frail world’s decay.”

“Remembrance and reflection how allied!What thin partitions Sense from Thought divide!”

“I will be waiting for you at the end of every blind alley, under the lonely streetlamps of a city that will no longer be ours.When the wind grows colder and the huge piles of settled leaves sit there for a week or two, unshielded from the curious gaze of passersby, I will be waiting for you.I will be waiting for what could have been and for what will never be;For the letters that never arrived, the letters that were never sent, and the letters that will never be written.”

“When someone dies they can be any age you remember can’t they ‘ she asked. As I tried to think of a reply she continued ‘You probably think about the grown-up Tess because you were still close to her. But when I woke up I thought of her when she was three wearing a fairy skirt I’d got her in the Woolworth’s and a policeman’s helmet. Her wand was a wooden spoon. On the bus yesterday I imagined holding her when she was two days old. I felt the warmth of her. I remembered all her fingers clasped around my finger so tiny they didn’t even meet. I remembered the shape of her head and stroking the nape of her neck till she slept. I remembered her smell. She smelled of innocence. Other times she’s thirteen and so pretty that I worry for her everytime I see a man look at her. All of those Tesses is my daughter.”

“Men’s lives are short .The hard man and his cruelties will beCursed behind his back and mocked in death.But one whose heart and ways are kind – of himstrangers will bear report to the whole wide world,and distant men will praise him.- Penelope in Robert Fitzgerald trans. THE ODYSSEY (364)”

“There is no death in remembrance. Remember me, Sarah. Remember me, and a part of me will always be with you.” – Martha Carrier to her daughter, Sarah Carrier”

“The evil that men do lives after them;The good is oft interred with their bones.”

“You remember only what you want to remember. You know only what your heart allows you to know.”