All Quotes By Tag: Earth
“If you must record some greatness in your account before you leave this earth, you must value time and understand the importance of time conversion.”
“We are all endowed with the wealth of time equally. Everybody that is born on the surface of this earth, has this wealth.”
“The desire of most people on earth is to make money and money seems to be the greatest motivation in life for a lot of people.”
“The only way to saturate the earth with your products like Steve Jobs is to invest your time doing what you were born to do.”
“Yesterday I soared above the clouds. Today I’ll walk the earth again.”
“You have the same amount of time as any other human being on earth”
“There is no one on earth that values his time and remains poor”
“The earth is created to function by laws and principles”
“The earth is not created to function by miracles”
“God did not create the earth in such a way that you must believe in Him before things will work”
“The earth will work whether you believe in Him or not”
“Either you hate Him or not, the earth will still work”
“When you apply principles that operate on earth, you will get the results”
“It’s time to start ruling and reigning on earth”
“God will not come and do the work on earth when you are here”