“Some women think being arrogant, selfish, bitter and looking down on others are qualities of being an Independent, strong, powerful and successful business women. No matter how high you are in life. Never look down on others and never forget humanity.”

“No test is designed to create failure.Failure just is an option that has to exist for the test to be a challenge.And challenge makes man.”

“Man is no star, but a quick coalOf mortal fire:Who blows it not, nor doth controlA faint desire,”

“We are all dust passing through the air, the difference is, some are flying high in the sky, while others are flying low. But eventually, we all settle on the same ground.”

“Never trust a man who teaches about death but yet had no real experience at all about it.”

“A little smoke lost in the air, that was the life of a man.”

“Today man sees all his hopes and aspirations crumbling before him. He is perplexed and knows not whither he is drifting. But he must realize that the Bible is his refuge and the rallying point for all humanity. In it, man will find the solution of his present difficulties and guidance for his future action, and unless he accepts with clear conscience the Bible and its great Message, he cannot hope for salvation. For my part, I glory in the BibleHaile Selassie I (1891-1975)Emperor of Ethiopia”

“It is better to trust the Divine Eternal God than to put confidence in mere mortal man.”

“The human animal is a beast that dies and if he’s got money he buys and buys and buys and I think the reason he buys everything he can buy is that in the back of his mind he has the crazy hope that one of his purchases will be life everlasting!–Which it never can be….”