“When my life became a mess, the seeds of enlightenment sprouted. Self Love soon started to grow. I fed myself compassion. I survived another season of LIFE.”

“A life of purposeful living is a life dedicated to the purpose of spiritual growth.”

“There’s psychic Vampires in this world that will stress the shitzit out of you by bombarding you with their problems and BS then afterwards they”ll walk away and enjoy their day. When you get up in your golden years you’ve got to learn to let it go and enjoy each day because too much stress…will kill you! Living in the one day more mode will always prevent a heart attack and help you live a longer and better life. Just saying!”

“Money has the power to get, all that you want.Money has the power to make you forget, all that you want.”

“Never complain about the world that you don’t like. Instead just create a new world that you love and make the things happen there.”

“Never complain about the world that you don’t like. Instead just create a new world that you love and make the things happen there. -Giridhar Alwar”