All Quotes By Tag: Life-and-living
“The more we seek to understand what we don’t understand, the more we do not understand.”
“Don’t pity yourself or your condition. There would be thousands ready to swap places with you.”
“Money is paper. The experience that you can buy using it is real.”
“Tišina boli više od svih udaraca.”
“Ne stvaraju okolnosti ljude. Ljudi stvaraju okolnosti.”
“If you do not have a pain worth cherishing, you have not lived a life worth living”
“One day, I will look back upon my life and I will say, “That’s not the life I planned, but I lived it.” I may not have lived the life I planned, but I will have lived the life that I have.”
“In the arena of life, once upon a time, almost everybody gets to the corner of unthinkable problems; some people get there and they see good solutions, others get there and they see bad solutions, and some people get there and they become a problem there: Life!”
“My pursuit of spirituality does not consist of ritual, nor of regimen. My spirituality is embodied by laughter and heartfelt enjoyments. My spirituality does not make me look serious and dignified. But my spirituality makes me look awe-inspired like a child. Try to take this away from me and I will run from what you try to feed me. There is no truer truth than innocence, no truer truth than joy.”
“Everythin’ in the world ends up where it should be.”
“Tomorrow is worth living for.”
“Wherever you are living, find the best things in there, live the best things in there! And when you move to another place, do the same thing!”
“Change your perspective and change your life”
“টিকিয়া থাকাই চরম সার্থকতা নয়, অতিকায় হস্তী লোপ পাইয়াছে কিন্তু তেলাপোকা টিকিয়া আছে।”
“There is only one thing you can do on earth. Be yourself. Hopefully being good, and not a hood. So, be you! Everyone else is taken, grandstanding with their own silly self.”