“If you look closely, you can see that you are not defined by the world. You are the world. You are the future.”

“The foundation and cornerstone of state leadership is power of the people.”

“Your mind is the key to your world.Your heart is the key to your life.Your soul is the key to your universe.”

“If flowers can clean the air, and bacteria can clean the water, and ants can clean the land, we too can clean our world.Land is our gift.Water is our blessing.Air is our fortune.Life is our reward.”

“When the air is angry, we have hurricanes.When the water is angry, we have typhoons.When the land is angry, we have earthquakes.When the sky is angry, we have thunderstorms.When the universe is angry, we have death.When the air is happy, we have warmth.When the water is happy, we have springs.When the land is happy, we have rivers.When the sky is happy, we have rain.When the universe is happy, we have life.”

“The universe was happy when the sky was born.The sky was happy when the stars were born.The stars were happy when light was born.Light was happy when the world was born.The world was happy the day you were born.”

“The world has many eyes. The sky has many ears. The stars have many feet. The universe has many hands.”