“I hold in my hand a million ideas and more. But if I am puzzled as to why they have never leapt out of my hand and been birthed into the realities they were crafted to be, it is likely because the other hand has withheld the sacrifice that is necessary to birth an idea.”

“Greatness is the born of ordinary men who decided to work extraordinarily hard.”

“The key is the ability, whether innate or conditioned, to find the other side of the rote, the picayune, the meaningless, the repetitive, the pointlessly complex. To be, in a word, unborable … If you are immune to boredom, there is literally nothing you cannot accomplish.”

“Human beings are the only ones in nature who are aware that they will die. For that reason and only for that reason, I have a profound respect for the human race, and I believe that its future is going to be much better than its present. Even knowing that their days are numbered and that everything will end when they least expect it, people make of their lives a battle that is worthy of a being with eternal life. What people regard as vanity-leaving great works, having children, acting in such a way as to prevent one’s name from being forgotten- I regard as the highest expression of human dignity.”

“Success is not what you accomplish in life, it is about how you inspire others to succeed.”

“Oh I know it’s cliché but yeah they say that great men make it in-To places few others who even do take the risk’ve ever been”

“Yes, all you need do is to change your orientation and have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ that He can make you whole, change your status, and add value to your destiny.”

“Knowledge is very vital in life`s transformation and transition”

“You can actually recreate your world with the Word of the Creator in your mouth.”

“Integrity is a powerful force, keeping you alive to others long after you’ve left their presence.”

“Not every hen lay eggs. Not every hen that lays eggs gets them hatched. Not everyone born with greatness becomes as such. Go, hatch your eggs.”

“Satisfaction in life doesn’t jump on you, you work for it, you earn it. You will not sit in a place, fold your hands and expect to be satisfied with life.”

“If all the world’s a stage, I suggest you start performing at your best.”

“Spiritual literature can be a great aid to an aspirant, or it can be a terrible hindrance. If it is used to inspire practice, motivate compassion, ad nourish devotion, it serves a very valuable purpose. If scriptural study is used for mere intellectual understanding, for pride of accomplishment, or as a substitute for actual practice, then one is taking in too much mental food, which is sure to result in intellectual indigestion. (152)”

“There’s sometimes a tugging feeling you get to push further when you aren’t being challenged enough or when things get too comfortable.”