“In reality, there is no highway to success. Therefore, be prepared for difficulties.”

“Some old and unrealized ideas will undoubtedly be actualized when their time comes.”

“Success and failure are relative categories. Therefore, do not exult in victory and do not despair after defeat. Accept the changes in life placidly, knowing that autumn and winter come after summer.”

“There is a simple rule regarding wisdom: those who have a superficial knowledge cannot be wise. On the contrary, wise people have broad knowledge. However, besides the acquired knowledge, wisdom arises from observation and contemplation over a longer period of time. Wisdom is, therefore, often the privilege of older people who have a broad knowledge and respectable experience. Feel free to ask such people for advice.”

“Knowledge cannot be inherited nor can it simply be gifted.”

“A knowledge-based society – that’s what I advocate for.”

“Friendship can thrive only where there is no self-interest involved.”