“When you are joyful, when you say yes to life and have fun and project positivity all around you, you become a sun in the center of every constellation, and people want to be near you.”

“​While God is inviting us to a joyful life of selfless generosity, the world is trying to seduce us into an all-encompassing selfishness… God invites us to a life of gratitude while the world masters discontent. God proposes trust; the world arouses fear. God promotes giving; the world promotes getting. God invites us to cooperate with his providence while the world rallies behind self-determinism. God appoint us in stewardship while the world touts ownership. The world encourages entitlement when in reality everything is a gift from God. God invites us to look out for our neighbor; the world tells us to look out for ourselves…”

“Always try to be joyful and proactively benign to the people. By doing so everyday, people have no control at all over my mood.”