All Quotes By Tag: Ungodliness
“You must be determined to overcome the insults of the ungodliness of this world with the weapon of the light inside of you.”
“There is definitely a positive aspect of anger such as, anger at sin and anger at ungodliness or injustice of the society.”
“One of the main roots of ungodliness is being a lover of pleasure more than a lover of God.”
“Ungodliness is confronting the society and everyone seems to be at its mercy because of greed for pleasure.”
“When greed is enthroned, be it in a community or nation, ungodliness is celebrated at the altar of human pleasure.”
“At the root of every form of ungodliness, injustice, nepotism, selfishness, every rivalry and competitive jealousy, is the monster called greed.”
“Godliness has already come in human flesh to rescue humanity from its own ungodliness.”
“Ungodliness has always declared war on godliness.”
“The group of people that are insulting the society with ungodliness are those that are out rightly known with ungodliness and those that try to mimic godliness.”
“The basic element that will distinguish those that are for godliness from those that are promoting ungodliness is if such individuals possess the spirit of godliness and not just a form of it.”
“The truth is that if you do not join the way of godliness, then you do not have any reason to complain when the ungodly are busy planning and making the pathway of ungodliness.”
“Your anger and fury at ungodliness and injustice around you is a license given to you to fulfill a purpose.”
“Your anger towards ungodliness, towards injustice and the likes, will create a hunger in you to fulfill a particular purpose meant for you.”
“Anyone with a form of godliness is promoting ungodliness, whether ignorantly or knowingly.”
“Let your faith be in the Lord Jesus and not in your strength, to fight against ungodliness and injustice in the society.”