“Be sure to ask for help, and vent or brag on your progress along the way.”

“Don’t let societies perceptions and opinions define who you are as a person. Where is it written that you cannot be great at more than one thing?”

“We must work while we have strength.”

“A life lived well will have failures that outnumber successes, but successes that outweigh the failures.”

“When you sense you need courage, you are going to next level of life.”

“Remember an arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards; so when you feel like life is dragging you down with difficulties, it simply means that it’s going to launch you to something great. So just focus and keep aiming – Unknown”

“Sometimes, what we need the most is the strength to survive in this world. Which forces us to pay, to watch the demons destroy the paradises we built and dance on its ruins.”

“…people change, even good people, if they get the wrong thing in their head. And not everything is always what it looks like and sometimes just because one person looks weak, they might be very strong, and another person might look like a spooky freak but he might be one of the kindest people you’d ever meet. And I guess I learned that time is slippery…We have to enjoy every second, love with all our hearts, all we can, while we can.”

“The gods, not out of mercy, have made me strong.”

“Sometimes the only way forward is to let go and sometimes those things you are forced to let go of are people and places that have been of great significance. Life is painfully uncanny like that, some moments last a lifetime whilst others have an expiry date.”

“Your ability to make me feel like I was less than I was, took awhile to recover from. But after ripping my own self worth to shreds for so long, I realized that I wasn’t less just because I was more than your inexperienced hands could handle.”

“I know there are days when even one single positive thought feels like too much effort, but you must develop an unconditional love for life. You must never lose your childish curiosity for the possibilities in every single day. Who you can be, what you can see, what you can feel and where it can lead you. Be in love with your life, everything about it. The sadness and the joys, the struggles and the lessons, your flaws and strengths, what you lose and what you gain.”

“I might be fragile like a mirror. You might be the rock.Hit me all you want.But still in the end I’ll be the one shining.”

“Some say, “Be Strong.” I say, “Surrender to your vulnerability and therein lies your strength.”