“Because some people see a wall, and assume that’s the end of their journey. Others see it, and decide it’s just the beginning.”

“Never underestimate your worth your beauty or your strength. You are everything you can imagine and so much more.”

“The most gracious, encouraging, and grateful people I’ve met have been those who are extraordinarily successful. The worst critics I’ve come across have never try doing the very thing they are criticizing. Before you criticize someone, ask yourself, can you do it better. If you can, do it then, and be thankful that person you were critical of, inspired you to try. – Strong by Kailin Gow”

“No matter what life dishes out to you, if somebody loves you and cares about you, and you know it, then you can handle things. But if you don’t feel like you have someone to care about you it’s very difficult to handle life.”

“I did not tremble when his eyes met mine. One can only shudder in fear for so long until all trepidation is replaced by unearthly bravery.”

“Shino looked at me straight in the eye and smiled, her face brimming with a kind of inner strength. That strength seemed to gather the beads of perspiration that glistened on her brow, then sprang from her face and leapt across to my heart with a rhythm like ripples on water.”

“Do all the work while you still have strength.”

“my strength should not threaten you.my strength is not a threat to your strength.you are strong.you are beautiful.you are lush.you are powerful.as you are.as i am.imagine the force we would be togetherif we lifted each other up.imagine the force we would be togetherif we didn’t tear each other down.”

“Let your faith be in the Lord Jesus and not in your strength, to fight against ungodliness and injustice in the society.”

“Stand like a beaten anvil.It is the part of a good athlete to be bruised and to prevail.”

“Embracing weakness echoes resilience.”

“It’s in those quiet little towns, at the edge of the world, that you will find the salt of the earth people who make you feel right at home.”

“Those who achieve the extraordinary are usually the most ordinary because they have nothing to prove to anybody. Be Humble.”