“Serve the Lord with what you have — your substance, strength, knowledge, and ability”

“Whoever turns to the Lord, shall walk in the light.”

“The love of the LORD God is the grace of new life.”

“God is my Sovereign Lord.”

“A servant of the Lord , loves God.”

“Lord, I love you!”

“The Lord Almighty is God.”

“There are four pillars of liberation (moksha): Knowledge (Gnan), Vision (Darshan), Conduct as the Self (Charitra) and penance (tapa). In this, the Lord has not referred to external penance as penance for liberation. ‘He’ has referred to inner penance only as the penance for liberation.  ”

“Be courageous and He shall strengthen your heart, all of you who hope in the Lord.”

“Lord help my poor soul.”

“The Lord is in you and only in you. Without the human mind to construct an over-exaggerated idea of the Lord, there is no actual Lord of humanity except for humanity itself.”

“The way people are searching for Wi-Fi and hotspot to connect. Should be the same way they want to connect to God spiritually. When you are connected to God. Everything is easy, effortlessly, worry free,faster and you get bundles of joy.”

“Everyone suffers, even the good Lord suffered when he was on Earth.”

“Until the will and the affections are brought under the authority of Christ, we have not begun to understand, let alone accept, His Lordship. The Cross, as it enters the love life, will reveal the heart’s truth.”

“When you cultivate a godly thought life your soul will shine and you will exhibit the presence of the Lord in you.”