“Proof’ is the hallmark of religion.”

“In order to disprove the assertion that all crows are black, one white crow is sufficient.”

“If God should really speak to man, man could still never know that it was God speaking.”

“It seems that our refusal of God evidences our belief in Him, for why would we need to refuse something that doesn’t exist?”

“Indeed taking all the evidence together, it is not too much to say that there is no single historic incident better or more variously supported than the Resurrection of Christ. Nothing but the antecedent assumption that it must be false could have suggested the idea of deficiency in the proof of it.”

“Ah, but it is an interesting thing, that these things can so seldom be proved. If I were to perform some piece of, hrmf, magic for you, here in this room, you would claim a thousand ways it could have been done. Indeed, those ways might be exceedingly unlikely, but you would cling to them rather than accept the, mmn, the chance that magic, the eternal inexplicable, might be the true agent, and if you were strong enough in yourself, unafraid, unthreatened, here in your own chambers, well perhaps there would be no magic worked at all. It is a subjective force, you see, whereas the physical laws of the artificers are objective. A gear-train will turn without faith, but magic may not. And so, when your people demand, mmn, proof, there is none, but when you have forgotten and dismissed it, then magic creeps back into the gaps where you do not look for it.”

“When I started writingI was a sick teenagedfuck inside who partlythought I was the newMarquis de Sade, a bodydoomed to communicatewith Satan who was us-ing my sickness as hishome away from home,and there’s your proof.”

“Whereas a novice makes moves until he gets checkmated (proof), a Grand Master realizes 20 moves in advance that it’s futile to continue playing (conceptualizing).”

“Fashion does not have to prove that it is serious. It is the proof that intelligent frivolity can be something creative and positive”

“…and when is enough proof enough?”

“Science replaces private prejudice with public, verifiable evidence.”

“I do not pretend to be able to prove that there is no God. I equally cannot prove that Satan is a fiction. The Christian god may exist; so may the gods of Olympus, or of ancient Egypt, or of Babylon. But no one of these hypotheses is more probable than any other: they lie outside the region of even probable knowledge, and therefore there is no reason to consider any of them.”

“Sometimes it takes more courage to believe in what you can’t see.” she said quietly, and then looked into his dark blue eyes. “Because anyone can believe in what’s already been proven”.Grace Willows- Not a Ghost of a Chance”

“Just because an eloquent, articulate and well-spoken person is sharing something, does not make what they are saying, true. Just because someone can relay information with an engaging, exciting or enticing delivery, does not mean what is being said is fact. Deciding what is true based on only emotion and not connecting with logic, looking up facts and researching for the proof behind it, can be very dangerous. Back it up before you buy into it. ”

“Einer hat immer Unrecht: aber mit zweien beginnt die Wahrheit. Einer kann sich nicht beweisen: aber zweie kann man bereits nicht widerlegen.”