All Quotes By Tag: President
“Let someone else be the most powerful country, make ours the most peaceful country.”
“My biggest fear is seeing myself in a grave without becoming the President of Haiti one day to save my country.”
“President Trump’s people are merely demonstrating to the world what has been known to fraud researchers for a very long time: Engaging in lies and fraud is a normal aspect of corporate government.”
“Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise…. During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What have been its fruits? More or less, in all places, pride and indolence in the clergy; ignorance and servility in laity; in both, superstition, bigotry, and persecution.”
“In some cases, you can tell how somebody is being treated by their own boss from the way they are treating someone to whom they are a boss.”
“Are you the fruit of redemption? If yes, then make a delightful noise unto Him.”
“You don’t need to go running from pillar to post looking for what God looks like.”
“Words are directed to your personalities namely; – God, your hearers, devil and yourself.”
“Everyone that enters through Him is secured and the person shall find pastures for himself. Jesus really cares!”
“The Prince came to give life unto those whose lives were almost being snuffed out by the devil via the cares of this world.”
“Another way of remaining in intimacy with God is by remaining in His presence.”
“God comes down in the evenings to chat with man, enjoy man’s company and find out how man faired in the course of the day.”
“God is not a thief. That which steals, kills and destroys is the devil – not God!”
“The choice is yours. Don’t let your pronouncements destroy your destiny rather let them build your future up!”