All Quotes By Tag: Life-quotes-and-sayings
“If you do not have a pain worth cherishing, you have not lived a life worth living”
“Until you deal with the core of the problem—nothing changes. Life is about choices; choices make a change.”
“Some things look good, until you take a good look at them.”
“Wherever you are living, find the best things in there, live the best things in there! And when you move to another place, do the same thing!”
“In order to see the sun shine, you need to wait out the rain, or you’ll never see the sun shine, when it comes again”
“The most dangerous phrase in the English language is, “We have always done it this way”.Many parents use this phrase to answer curious children. Many employees in organizations use this phrase to oppose change. Many people use this phrase to convince themselves so that they can continue to live in a comfort zone. This mindset has killed many dreams and aspirations and has derailed many successful journeys, for individuals as well as organizations. Never kill your curiosity. Never accept anything without asking questions. Something that had relevance 20 years ago, now has become irrelevant. There is always a first time in life. Something hasn’t happened till date, doesn’t mean it will never happen. Life is all about opening up us to new experiences.”
“In order to see the sun shine, you have to walk through the rain”
“In order to see the sun shine, you need to wait out the rain”
“Create a life that you just cannot wait to wake up else you are not different to the ones sleeping in the grave”
“If you watch carefully the storms of your life, there you will often see your own mistakes as the architect of these storms!”
“We become so focused on the individual events and circumstances of our lives, so eager to label them as “good” or “bad”, when in fact, everything is just LIFE! Everything, all of it, it’s all just LIFE.”
“She said to me, “I’m just looking towards the day when I get out of this hell, and asking myself if I will ever get out of it.” And I said to her, “Something I have learned in life is that we often don’t get out of hell; we just learn how to live in it.” And tears fell down her face.”
“We come into this world and we are taught that life is a process of attainments. Or the collection of attainments. But I have since discovered that life is a process of rising above in the moments. The river wants to flow downhill or the wave wants to take you under; but you instead sit on a rock or surf the top of that wave. We essentially all have to be mermaids, every day, to live this life. There is a constant flow of water current: going up and going down. You go up to be happy.”
“I was talking to a friend last night, about pain. She said, “Pain doesn’t go away, does it? It just lessens with time.” And I said, “I think that the pain can be turned into other things… the pain is like the holes in the ground, but I think that we can turn the holes in the ground into little pools of water we can jump into. It’s still a part of us, but, we can change its nature. Hopefully. Sometimes.” And I think that just might be true.”
“Don’t make the mistake of ruining your future, so that you can save your past. You’ve got this one, precious life. So what are you gonna do with it?”