“Many people turn back on the road of life just because they mistakenly think that the road ends!”

“I am 1324512000 seconds old. In the cosmic blink of an eye, I will become once again cosmic dust.”

“Break the rules not because you don’t know better, but because you know them too well”

“Where there is fear and terms conditions there is no love …”

“Some say, “Be Strong.” I say, “Surrender to your vulnerability and therein lies your strength.”

“Today if anything is trying to hold you back, give no attention to it. Get your hopes up, get your faith up, look up, and get ready to rise up.”

“We must believe in free will. We have no choice.”

“We are all a little broken, looking for something whole to hang on to. But sometimes, what seems whole is even more broken than we are.”

“I touched curiosity,I kissed sin, I felt regret,And I was forgiven.But life won’t let me forget.”

“If happiness left scars on our bodies, we would never forget about all the glorious moments we’ve been blessed with.”