All Quotes By Tag: Inspirational
“Fashion doesn’t make you perfect, but it makes you pretty.”
“In a democracy, there will be more complaints but less crisis, in a dictatorship more silence but much more suffering.”
“A good swordsman is more important than a good sword.”
“Power does not pardon, power punishes.”
“The are two kinds of people in this modern society. First and the majority are those fools who think they are wise, and second are the few wise individuals who know that they are fools.”
“In any game, the game itself is the prize, no matter who wins, ultimately both lose the game.”
“It is the sweat of the servants that make their squire look smart.”
“A professional who doesn’t deliver as committed is not just lazy, he is a liar.”
“A man never forgets his mistakes.”
“Between the MilesI have always counted the miles.Sometimes they came quick,Other times slow.The distance between things,The way I could know.Close could feel far,And far could feel near.The miles that passed too quickly,The ones I ran out of fear.They weren’t all the same,So I had been told,The unmarked trails,And the days I was bold.Some miles went down,Spiraling so low,When I was afraid to look forward,There was nowhere to go.The sunset came fast,And the day turned to night,But the trails could be endless,If I looked at them right.Everything I knew,All I was told,The conversations left behind,The people who grew old.When the miles stretched out before me,I wanted to sew them at the seam,Looking forward and then back,Holding everything in between.”
“Praying is a prevailing force.”
“A true professional not only follows but loves the processes, policies and principles set by his profession.”
“Good becomes better by playing against better, but better doesn’t become the best by playing against good.”
“There is joy in every circumstance. Although the beginning is/might be bitter, there are valuables lessons in between that bring joy.”
“Tu mourras par où tu as péché.”