Quotes By Author: John Flaherty
“You will not experience the freedom you desire in this lifetime while carrying guilt. For one is mutually exclusive of the other.”
“For far too long, we have all been playing out a victim consciousness, convincing ourselves that dependency and powerlessness are absolutely fundamental to the human condition. Nowhere is this belief more deeply ingrained than in the “world” of addiction and in the traditional treatment and recovery programmes available to the masses … If we do not embrace a new consciousness about addiction, then the old consciousness will simply create more fear, disruption, victimhood and dis-satisfaction on the planet. Ultimately, every one of us begins to teach this new consciousness by living it ourselves, bringing transcendence into daily life, hope to those who have often felt hopeless, and empowerment to those who feel powerless. It is an evolutionary leap forward and I invite YOU to make that leap with me … NOW.” — John Flaherty”
“You will not experience the freedom you desire in this life-time while carrying guilt. For one is mutually exclusive of the other.- John Flaherty”
“We are so much greater than our thoughts would have us think we are!”
“Your experience of guilt is the result of the beliefs you’ve held. Guilt is dependent on duality and guilt breeds a victim mentality. Guilt is required to keep shame and the feeling of being ashamed firmly in place.”
“As a child you will never intentionally have done anything wrong but you will often have discovered from the reaction of others that you must have!”