Quotes By Author: kara isaac
“Peter’s fingers curled around the edge of the couch cushion. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my life, it’s that no one can find God for someone else. They can only find Him for themselves. My biggest hope is that you do find Him. But you have to do it for you. Not for me. Not for anything we might have.”
“..You take too much responsibility for things that dont belong on your shoulders. Always have. Your responsibility is to forgive her. Tell her. You dont just give up on the person who might be the love of your life. The rest is in God’s hand.””You make it sound so simple.””It is. Doesn’t mean it’s not hard, but it isn’t complicated…”
“It is the toughest thing in the world to spend your life battling with the person you love most on thr one thing neither of you can compromise on. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.”
“I suspect it means that God is pursuing her.” She fixed him with a long look. “Make sure you don’t get in the way.”
“Sometimes you have to do the hard thing to do the right thing. If it’s meant to be, God will work it out.”
“You know, the truth is that sometimes when people ask how you know that God exists, it’s hard to come up with one compelling reason. It’s often such a conglomeration of so many things that, put together, create the proof you need.”
“..But here’s the thing, Em. God can find a way to redeem even the worst fo choices, if you let Him….Emelia turned the concept over in her mind, trying to reconcile this idea of a God who could take the worst things in your life and use them to lead you to something good..”
“Allie sighed. ” Don’t equate Peter with God. Believing in God doesn’t make a person perfect. We’re still just as prone to messing up and doing the wrong thing as everyone else.”
“Why on earth would she believe in a God who forgives her when you won’t?”
“True. I don’t pretend to even begin to understand any of it now. Least of all why God went to so much effort to get through to a gito like me. But I’m glad He did.”