“We need to find the humility to admit that we are indeed powerless and helpless so we can take the first steps in finding ways to heal. – Dr. Thomas Demaria”

“God never closes a door without opening a window. But we have to look for it.” – Sarah Mahoney”

“Although we have had significant losses, we did not lose our most important things: our health, our children, and those we love.”

“In uncharted territory, we need new thinking, new ways of processing intense emotions, and new behavioral choices.”

“You are now ready to go out and enjoy the benefits of essential oils on your own fitness and health journey.”

“Fortunately, a little bit of jasmine goes a long way and, as long as you choose a reputable brand of blended oil, you can still reap the benefits.”

“Like a Chinese finger puzzle made of woven straw, finding relief requires us to relax rather than pull in order to gain release.”

“You are like a baby bird that has fallen out of the nest, too weak and fragile to fly back. You need to learn how to feed yourself soul vitamins so that you can regain your energy and the will to live fully.”

“Just as we do physiologically, emotional toxicity is best released daily. We have to regularly release old feelings and disturbing thoughts that are holding us back.” –Dr. Anne Redelfs”

“Rebuilding emotional safety while remaining physically present in an environment that once proved destructive and continues to be potentially dangerous is a complex process that takes time––and the second gift of patience.”

“I get a kick out of people who talk like it only happened to them,” says lawyer Denis Kelly. “I wonder, ‘Didn’t you notice that everybody else is going through it?”

“Focus on what you have instead of what you don’t have. It’s a gorgeous day. I live in the United States of America. I have freedom. I can go to work. Nothing lasts and this, too, will pass.” — Chellie Campbell”

“The gift of empathy opens us up when the tendency to shut down and turn away from the world is often at its greatest.”