“The Correct Answer,When Asked As Kids What You Wanted To Be When You Grow Up, Is To Grow Up To Be Yourself!”

“All essential oils have some kind of antibacterial properties, so they can be incorporated into your home-cleaning routine.”

“Scent your home and life with holistic superstars like essential oils and enjoy a light and aromatic existence full of vitality and joy!”

“What you probably didn’t realize is that apple cider vinegar has also been used as a natural skin and hair treatment care treatment since ancient times as well.”

“If apple cider vinegar can do so much for your hair, which is mostly just dead skin cells and keratin, imagine what it can do for your living skin cells.”

“Breathing is our primary nonverbal language. Sharp, uneven breaths convey a message of stress even though someone might insist she is perfectly all right.”

“Disasters make us aware that the life force within us needs tending daily. This is why we are here.” – Dr. Anne Redelfs”

“Heading into any one-year anniversary, our emotional climate shifts. We enter a new season of the heart.”

“The second gift––patience––helps us deal with not knowing how long this is going to last.”