All Quotes By Tag: Motivational
“Thanks to all my sufferings, I am a man of success because of them.”
“A failure does not make anyone a victim, and certainly you should not feel like one after your first failure. However, if you do not get up after a fall and give it another try, then you will be a real victim.”
“Emotions such as disappointments or regrets after failures may be common, but trying again and again will overcome these feelings.”
“The definition of success differs from person to person; so if you are trying to succeed according to somebody else’s definition, you may end up failing miserably.”
“Don’t let things that you cannot do discourage you and hold you back from things that you can do. It would be irrational to think that one can do everything; in this line of logic, self-analysis is crucial, meaning every person must analyze his/her true capacity, examine the current skills, and determine any essential future requirements.”
“Sure you cannot move a mountain physically, but if you don’t have the right mind-set, or you don’t put your mind into it, you cannot possibly move even the smallest piece of stone, which is an essential step in succeeding a mountainous task.”
“Deciding what you want or who you want to be have a cost, before doing the either one, you must first decide whether you are ready and you dare to pay the price or not.”
“Repeating success of the same thing is not success; if you want to be taken seriously, repeat your success or achieve bigger success doing other things.”
“Success requires patience; rushing and jumping into conclusion may adversely affect the likelihood of your success. Keep in mind, you can only harvest the grown seeds that you had planted previously.”
“There is no mystery, no formula, or no secret to success: be yourself, trust your ability, be persistent, have an iron-will, be committed, work hard (and harder), and never give up no matter how many times you fail. Failures and drawing valuable lessons from them make success inevitable, and that much more precious.”
“A failure gives you some ideas about challenges and obstacles in the uphill road to success, not recognizing them can be fatal.”
“You cannot possibly know what gives you discomfort unless you step outside your comfort zone, this is where change begins.”
“Success may be within reach or beyond reach, it is a matter of how you want to look at it. If you are committed with an iron will, than success will be within reach for you no matter what.”
“There are no guarantees of success, if there were, it would have not been called real success. Success is an outcome, what counts more is the process together with the act of striving to achieve success.”
“The journey of the success train is from the first station to the final destination; if you plan to get off in between, you should not waste your time taking this trip.”