“I am talking about the responsibility of the poet, who is irresponsible by definition, an anarchist enamored of a solar order and never of the new order or whatever slogan makes five or six hundred million men march in step in a parody of order.”

“It is ferocious, life, but it must eat . . .”

“This dream the world is having about itselfincludes a trace on the plains of the Oregon trail,a groove in the grass my father showed us allone day while meadowlarks were trying to tellsomething better about to happen.”

“There’s no money in poetry, but there’s no poetry in money, either”

“August is dust here. Droughtstuns the road,but juice gathers in the berries.”

“no poet can know what his poem is going to be like until he has written it.”

“A poem is a meteor.”

“The poet must be more useful than any other member if his tribe.”

“Criticism is like politics: if you don’t make your own you are by default accepting the status quo and are finally yourself responsible for whatever the status quo does to you.”

“Therefore, since the world has stillMuch good, but much less good than ill,And while the sun and moon endureLuck’s a chance, but trouble’s sure,I’d face it as a wise man would,And train for ill and not for good.”

“One could say that artists are people who think naturally in highly patterned ways.”

“Poets are interested primarily in death and commas. ”

“Poets never die, I thought. They just fail in the end.”

“a silent night. – the most eloquent poem i have ever read.”

“We must listen to poets.”