Quotes By Author: Ayaan Hirsi Ali
“The morning after the 9/11 attacks…we began talking about the Twin Towers attack. Ruud shook his head sadly about it all. He said, “It’s so weird, isn’t it, all these people saying this has to do with Islam?” I couldn’t help myself…I blurted out, “But it *is* about Islam. This is based in belief. This is Islam.” Ruud said, “Ayaan, of course these people may have been Muslims, but they are a lunatic fringe. We have extremist Christians, too, who interpret the bible literally. Most Muslims do not believe these things. To say so is to disparage a faith which is the second largest religion in the world, and which is civilized, and peaceful.” I walked into the office thinking, “I have to wake these people up.”…The Dutch had forgotten that it was possible for people to stand up and wage war, destroy property, imprison, kill, impose laws of virtue because of the call of God. That kind of religion hadn’t been present in Holland for centuries. It was not a lunatic fringe who felt this way about America and the West. I knew that a vast mass of Muslims would see the attacks as justified retaliation against the infidel enemies of Islam.”
“Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice.”