All Quotes By Tag: Cowardice
“You, why are you so afraid of war and slaughter? Even if all the rest of us drop and die around you, grappling for the ships, you’d run no risk of death: you lack the heart to last it out in combat—coward!”
“But often life asks much of you, and you either honor life by answering with all your heart, or you cower your way into your grave.”
“If you go to your death rather than do everything you might to prevent what is happening, you are merely committing suicide and trying to make yourself feel better about it. That is the act of a coward. It is beneath contempt.”
“When all this is over, people will try to blame the Germans alone, and the Germans will try to blame the Nazis alone, and the Nazis will try to blame Hitler alone. They will make him bear the sins of the world. But it’s not true. You suspected what was happening, and so did I. It was already too late over a year ago. I caused a reporter to lose his job because you told me to. He was deported. The day I did that I made my little contribution to civilization, the only one that matters.”
“We may place blame, give reasons, and even have excuses; but in the end, it is an act of cowardice to not follow your dreams.”
“I’m astounded whenever I finish something. Astounded and distressed. My perfectionist instinct should inhibit me from finishing: it should inhibit me from even beginning. But I get distracted and start doing something. What I achieve is not the product of an act of my will but of my will’s surrender. I begin because I don’t have the strength to think; I finish because I don’t have the courage to quit. This book is my cowardice.”
“Say ‘No’ when you must. It is not cowardice.”
“Merry hearts are vulnerable to death, don’t be over-joyed to the state of oblivion, lest the enemy poison your meal.”
“The devil’s happy when the critics run you off.”
“The coward says in his heart “There is no love.” Because, standing in the shadows of the big, grand, and powerful existence of love, his small spirit is left feeling even smaller and less significant. And so he chooses to deny the existence of love altogether. Because he is too small to have it.”
“The fear of God is one of the most extreme expressions of cowardice.”
“One must pray first, but afterwards one must help oneself. God does not care for cowards.–“Wanda”
“If you don’t make a few ememies now and then, you’re a coward-or worse. Besides, it as worth it to see his reaction. Oh, he was angry!- Angela to Eragon”
“He must not merely cling to life, for then he will be a coward, and will not escape. He must not merely wait for death, for then he will be a suicide, and will not escape. He must seek his life in a spirit of furious indifference to it.”
“Those who lack the courage will always find a philosophy to justify it.”