All Quotes By Tag: Blame
“You do not blame your shadow for the shape of your body: Just the same: Do not blame others for the shape of your experience.”
“Stop blaming other people for your own behavior! Own the truth. If you don’t like it, then invest the time and energy to change it.”
“In life everything happens for a reason, I can no longer point the finger of blame. It is up to me to remain positive regardless of what’s happening around me.”
“Later times have laid all the blame upon the Goths and Vandals, but, however unwilling the partizans of the Christian system may be to believe or to acknowledge it, it is nevertheless true, that the age of ignorance commenced with the Christian system.There was more knowledge in the world before that period, than for many centuries afterwards; and as to religious knowledge, the Christian system, as already said, was only another species of mythology; and the mythology to which it succeeded, was a corruption of an ancient system of theism.It is owing to this long interregnum of science, and to no other cause, that we have now to look back through a vast chasm of many hundred years to the respectable characters we call the Ancients. Had the progression of knowledge gone on proportionably with the stock that before existed, that chasm would have been filled up with characters rising superior in knowledge to each other; and those Ancients we now so much admire would have appeared respectably in the background of the scene. But the christian system laid all waste; and if we take our stand about the beginning of the sixteenth century, we look back through that long chasm, to the times of the Ancients, as over a vast sandy desert, in which not a shrub appears to intercept the vision to the fertile hills beyond.”
“When all this is over, people will try to blame the Germans alone, and the Germans will try to blame the Nazis alone, and the Nazis will try to blame Hitler alone. They will make him bear the sins of the world. But it’s not true. You suspected what was happening, and so did I. It was already too late over a year ago. I caused a reporter to lose his job because you told me to. He was deported. The day I did that I made my little contribution to civilization, the only one that matters.”
“We may place blame, give reasons, and even have excuses; but in the end, it is an act of cowardice to not follow your dreams.”
“We habitually erect a barrier called blame that keeps us from communicating genuinely with others, and we fortify it with our concepts of who’s right and who’s wrong. We do that with the people who are closest to us and we do it with political systems, with all kinds of things that we don’t like about our associates or our society. It is a very common, ancient, well-perfected device for trying to feel better. Blame others….Blaming is a way to protect your heart, trying to protect what is soft and open and tender in yourself. Rather than own that pain, we scramble to find some comfortable ground.”
“This is the excellent foppery of the world, that when we are sick in fortune (often the surfeits of our own behavior) we make guilty of our disasters the sun, the moon, and stars, as if we were villains on necessity.”
“People would rather prefer blaming their crimes on a third party than taking responsibility upon themselves… It is their nature.”
“Blame is the creed of the disempowered.”
“Stop pointing fingers and placing blame on others. Your life can only change to the degree that you accept responsibility for it.”
“The elimination diet:Remove anger, regret, resentment, guilt, blame, and worry.Then watch your health, and life, improve.”
“Instead of pointing fingers at ‘criminals’ like Gun wielding terrorists, cold-blooded murders, gruesome rapists, juvenile delinquents (by the way they are mere humans akin to you and me!)…let’s see where we stand with regard to the question of our own moral standing before the moral law giver”
“Don’t call anyone a devil, because within you, you can experience hell and the devil, and the devil is nothing, but you!”
“Do not rush to judge someone unless his/her fruits reveal the truth. However, don’t forget; mostly, it’s not the fault of the tree to produce bitter fruits. Sometimes, the soil determines that; blame the source! Deal with the soil! Don’t deal with the tree! Other trees are there that the same soil can influence! Don’t deal with your enemy, deal with the satan that sponsors them!”