Quotes By Author: Nikolai Berdyaev
“There is a tragic clash between Truth and the world. Pure undistorted truth burns up the world.”
“God is present and God acts only in freedom. He is not present nor does he act in necessity. God is to be found in truth, in Goodness, Beauty and Love, but not in the world order”
“The Russians are a people in the highest degree polarized: they are a conglomeration of contradictions”
“The Russian Intelligentsia is a quite special and peculiar thing; as a spiritual and a social form it existed only in Russia. The Intelligentsia was an idealistic class, a class of people wholly influenced by ideas and ready to face prison, hard labour and death for the sake of their ideas”
“Each one of us shares in the destiny of the world and humanity, and must accept his own portion of the general responsibility”