“Within was given, I gave the best, I ever could.”

“A student does not need her school or university. She never needed one teacher.”

“In former times, I watched the time of times. Now, in my early ages, I love to protect my destiny, my testimony and my great reward.”

“Only a master changed an old structure, faster than half a second.”

“I will be welcomed in all countries around the world.”

“With tears in my eyes, Petra Cecilia Maria Hermans”

“An old soul changed the changes of all changes, forever.”

“She, who knows what happiness is, brings joy, peace and happiness!”

“As I wondered, in former years of my life and youth, the members of my family wonder, how I did it, this Time. Well, I am a little bit stubborn.”

“Life is good. Life is very good!”

“I do not understand how my eyes were created, but I give a new light.”

“Ook Gij.”