Quotes By Author: vladimir mayakovsky
“It must be a little love, – a baby, sort of,It shies away when the cars honk and hiss,But adores the bells on the horse-tram.”
“But Ihave tamedmyselfI have stompedon the throatof my own song”
“Our planet is poorly equipped for delight.One must snatch gladness from the days that are.In this lifeit’s not difficult to die.To make lifeis more difficult by far.”
“Lovefor usis no paradise of arbors —to uslove tells us, humming,that the stalled motorof the hearthas started to workagain.”
“On I’ll pass,dragging my huge love behind me.On whatfeverish night, deliria-ridden,by what Goliaths was I begot – I, so bigand by no one needed?”