“It is the road you take that decides your destiny and not your destiny that decides the road you take.”

“In a few more days I’d anticipated telling Veronika that our injections had cured her heart condition. But in light of her unscheduled departure form Villette my telling that particular lie will not be required. The majority of people who attempt suicide repeat that attempt until they succeed. I took a risk in lying to her about her condition, i decided to test the only remedy i have come to have any faith in: awareness of life. Until she finds out from some other doctor that she is perfectly healthy. She’ll consider each day a miracle. Which in my view it is.”

“Warren Buffett chuckled and said to me “I hope it’s not my bad habits” Good Habits once established are just as hard to break as bad habits and bad habits are easier to abandon today than tomorrow. So what are you going to do about it?”

“When we stop fighting against death, we are able to wake up to our lives.”

“More than once, the broken moon would cast through the window a silver light and remind me of independent events yielding to their own momentum and interacting under natural laws while my mind would impose happiness, grief, beauty, ruin, justice and chaos.”

“I can manage,” said Frodo. “I must.”

“uhanku Yang Maha Penyayang,Engkau memerintahkanagar aku memuliakan orang tuadan keluargaku,…dan agar aku memungkinkanpencapaian impian hati mereka.Aku tahu bahwa aku tak mungkinmenyembunyikan dari pengetahuan Mu,tentang kerinduan hatikuuntuk mampu melakukanyang Kau perintahkan itu.Tuhan,aku mohon Engkau membuka tabiryang selama ini menutupi rezekiku.Mampukanlah aku membahagiakan keluargaku.Aamiin”

“Librarians are tour-guides for all of knowledge.”

“Time changes all things; there is no reason why language should escape this universal law”

“a hero is just somebody who does the right thing when it would be far, far easier to do nothing.”-Cedric Diggory-”

“Transient guests are we.”

“Love and honor the world around you, and you experience life in its fullest. There is no “Other.” There is simply us. The all of us, the whole of us. The mankind of us. Anything else is a lie.”

“A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring.”

“word is like a sword; you should be wise when to use it or it’ll kill and ruin everything you did in your past, you’re doing at this time, and you’re gonna do in the future”

“I led the life of so many other so-called respectable people,—that is, in debauchery. And like the majority, while leading the life of a debauche, I was convinced that I was a man of irreproachable morality.”