“Walk where your heart leads you and you will reach where you truly belong.”

“You have all the power you need to build the future that you wish.”

“Your time is the most valuable asset with you; invest it, where you get best returns.”

“Hard work is the best talent that I know, strangely, it works in all the fields of human endeavour.”

“Failure is a destination for those who give up and success for those who keep trying.”

“The only thing that hurts harder than a failure is not trying.”

“Mediocrity is always a safe option but never a satisfactory one.”

“Regret is not when you could not finish what you started but regret is when you do not start what you could have finished.”

“Your deepest prayers are your sincerest actions. They are always rewarded.”

“When you give everything you’ve got, you get everything you deserve.”

“We are all strangers to our hidden potential until we confront problems that reveal our capabilities.”

“The enormity of your problems is nothing compared with your ability to solve them. By over estimating the problem you under estimate yourself.”

“The strongest foundation for success is laid by the merit of your actions nothing in the world can shake it.”

“Unless you pay the price for success you will not know its worth.”

“It is the road you take that decides your destiny and not your destiny that decides the road you take.”