All Quotes By Tag: Inspirational-quotes
“The more time you spend thinking, the less time you spend doing. The less time you spend doing, the more you watch others do. This formula never equals success.”
“I’ve never met a person, I don’t care what his condition, in whom I could not see possibilities. I don’t care how much a man may consider himself a failure. I believe in him, for he can change the thing that is wrong in his life any time he is ready and prepared to do it. Whenever he develops the desire he can take away from his life the thing that is defeating it. The capacity for reformation and change lies within.”
“waktu kita di bumi ini sakral adanya, dan kita seharusnya merayakan setiap detiknya”
“Simbol, huruf dan angka adalah alat, sedangkan gagasan adalah roh sebuah tulisan.”
“Love is something you must accept in order to have, Naomi.”
“Success for you is a RECIPE that ONLY YOU KNOW the ingredients for.So to you I say ,COOK UP the success that ONLY YOU know how to make and allow the world to see YOUR CREATION!”
“Write because you love to write.”
“Tongues in trees, books in running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything.”
“A hero is not know by the number of battles he has won, but rather by the kind of battles he chooses to fight.”
“If a nation has not God that nation must fall, but if a nation has God then all the powers of evil, and all the armies, cannot shake its foundations; no, not even if the whole world is arrayed against it.”
“Tuhanku Yang Maha Lembut,…Maafkanlah aku yang sering kesaldan memarahi diriku sendiriyang tak kunjung selesaimembuat kesalahan.Aku tahu,sulit bagiku untuk berlakusepenuhnya damai,jika hatiku masih menyembunyikansedikit keburukan.Tuhan,tenagailah ketegasanku untuk kembalike kesucian jiwaku,agar aku mematang dengan anggun.Aamiin”
“When you let go of past pain, believe in yourself, and follow your dreams—you can find true happiness!”
“Freedom is a place, an area. It’s a higher place. There are some other people that are here, and things that are here which are unseen. But you first have to set yourself free and believe in what you cannot see, believe that there is something more out there. In freedom can be found many devotions: a devotion to love, a desire to believe, a willingness to be happy, a perseverance to have peace. All these unseen things breathe and grow in the unseen soul. A free person is not an uncommitted person, but in a free person you will find a deep devotion, and a desire to be devoted to even more.”
“It’s not whether your glass is empty or full, it’s what you do with it that really matters.”
“I am convinced that one should tell one’s spiritual director if one has a great desire for Communion, for Our Lord does not come from Heaven every day to stay in a golden ciborium; He comes to find another heaven, the heaven of our soul in which He loves to dwell.”