All Quotes By Tag: Sikh-writer
“We’ve turned. We’ve turned on our beginnings. We’ve turned to hurt the Mother of all earthly things, such as the seas, trees, lions, leaves, penguins, people, and chimpanzees. Dematerialized, we are forever family, including even fire, ice, and flying things.”
“Answer me this my fellow humans—are we really on this earth to work an eight-hour shift, to have the productions of our blood and labour taken, to live pay-cheque to pay-cheque while balancing on a line of credit, to give forty years to a mortgaged existence, to sweat for the system when the financial chains will remain regardless, and to thirst strictly for the weekends?”
“Like a Shakespearean tragedy, tragically, I was cast into an artificial realm that practices deliberate deception without the knowledge of what I be, how I be, and my natural information absorbing ability.”
“The past gave reason for the passion. The heavens gave meaning to the lies. From a whisper in a living wind, grows a glimmer in my eyes. And strive I do, through the chambers of my inner self. And claim the prize I do, the key for the door I’ll face after the body falls.”
“I was built like this, a chameleon in essence, and I naturally become my environments. To that extent, to be or not to be? Wait, let me rephrase. What be the thing I’m bred to be? The two conditions of my humanity, my invisible and my biology, take shape according to my realities, and regrettably, in a world built by shepherd-less egos, half of me hibernates.”
“History is a continuous battle between the “haves” and the “have-nots”. No matter if the “have-nots” think their shepherds.”
“To endeavor to understand the truth is like sparring bare-knuckle with confusion, frustration, and pain, or like entertaining the feelings of Van Gogh the moment before his demise. But to understand is like dancing with the emotions of Einstein when he discovered mass and energy have a bond, and to understand is to conquer the material world without unsheathing the tempered blade or firing the cannons.”
“Not too long ago, I set about examining the value system the manmade world influenced me to incubate. After opening it up and taking a closer look, to my surprise, I discovered it was virtually empty. The revelation was shattering. I felt like a squirrel that spent the entire summer gathering nuts to only realize, come winter, that the nutshells were empty. So, I did what any rebel would. I turned my hat to the back, assumed the position of the thinking man, and rebuilt my cognitive content. Today, I am a champion. Like “Money May” but of the consciousness.”
“Love God and love all God’s creations. If you’re lucky, The Source will send The Spirit. Sat Guru truthfully teaches and can activate The Word within. The Word’s resonance allows the “I” to experience the absolute reality. Through the mind of a mystic, union with The Great Architect can be achieved. A permanent love, in the truest sense, can soak through to every gene and every inch of a person’s being. Salvation can be yours, and the first step is to be.”
“Perhaps, those who wish for change are afraid of the loneliness and the ridicule that comes with questioning what most people believe is absolute. Maybe, they’re afraid of losing their material holdings in the battle to introduce the truth. Or perhaps, they’re yet to overcome the many sensual pleasures long enough to challenge and improve the world.Whichever it may be, I experienced all three, so I understand the obstacles that prevent the mind from challenging. To challenge is to sacrifice the mind and body. But to know and not step into the boxing ring is blasphemy.”