“Through these uncharted roads,I hope to escape my recollections;I am so tired of seeing signboards,and following the same directions.”

“Tall buildings have always intimidated me,but I somehow feel comforted, by an even taller tree.”

“A stranger lies behind my eyes, I know not what he wants; sells me dreams, tells me tales, and with the truth, he then haunts.”

“A stranger lies behind my eyes, I know not what he wants; sells me dreams, tells me tales,then with the truth, he haunts.”

“If poetry is an escape into the woods,then music is the journey back home.”

“When striving througha pitch-black night,if you find yourselfmarooned and blue,lift your head highand take a sight,of the billion starsall rooting for you.”

“The one who would understand me is equally shy to start a conversation.”