Quotes By Author: Charles Benoit
“Math. It’s your favorite subject. Which surprises you. Last year your teacher tried to convince you that you had a real “aptitude” for math, but all you got in the end was a B minus. The truth is you weren’t even trying. But then you got low Cs and Ds in all your other classes and you weren’t trying there, either, so maybe you are good at math after all. You like it because either you’re right or you’re wrong. Not like social studies and definitely not like English, where you always have to explain your answers and support your opinions. With math it’s right or it’s wrong and you’re done with it. But even that’s changing, my teacher said now you have to explain how you solved the problem and support your answer, saying that having the right answer isn’t as important as explaining how you got it and bam, just like that, you hate math.”
“The teachers complain that the students today are all lazy, ignorant, and stupid. But the truth is that you’re smarter than they are. You’re not even old enough to drive and you already know that none of this matters.”
“Here are the Top Ten things that your parents say to you:-Is that all you’re going to do all day, sit in front of the computer?-When I was your age I had two jobs.-Why don’t you wear some clothes that fir for a change?-Turn it down. I can hear it all the way over here.-You’re not eating that for dinner.-Did you do your homework?-Stop mumbling and speak up.-Now what did you do?-Because I said so.-No.”
“When did swearing become so easy? You still would never swear in front of your parents or most adults, but when you’re with your friends it’s like every fifth word. Why couldn’t learning Spanish be that easy?”
“There’s always a but. It’s a magical word. You can say anything you want, go on for as long as you want, and then all you have to do is add the magic word and instantly everything you said is erased, turned meaningless, just like that.”