Quotes By Author: Sunshine Rodgers
“It’s nice to know in my life Jesus is behind me. There have been times when I thought that I was going through my struggle myself. I was resentful of anyone that was happy around me since I was bitter that I had to go through , what I felt to be, a very unbearable trial. It was a good relief to know that I could talk to Jesus about my problems when I felt like I had no one else to talk to. It was comforting to know that He understood my dilemma when others couldn’t.”
“He is so delighted when we approach His throne with prayer. He loves to be remembered as the One who can heal all, cure all and fix all.”
“What happens in this book is merely a journey from one evil mind to the next and what happens when the spiritual meets the natural. Let me lift the curtain as we enter the screaming terrors of the demonic and reveal what lies beneath the surface, literally speaking.”
“We have no idea what people are dealing with or the hurts and wounds that have been inflicted upon them. Personally, after reading this, I have been challenged to not be so complacent in my prayer life, and to be more intentional about doing battle for the lost and hurting who need me. ” – Christian Missionary Laurie Lester”
“My line of work is much deeper than anything a simple prayer can fix. I wrench the heart; I mutilate the mind. I burn wounds of hurt and pain and I make those inner demons come to the surface: sickness, sufferings, diseases! I know my place. Those little friends and their little God have nothing on me. Sure I have been in battle with God’s little angels and sure they may have won a time or two, but this is a different battle and we are living in a different time.”
“And look what just came in! She is being prayed for now! And look who he is praying to!! We are keeping a close watch on this situation. We can’t have her leave our side. Not by the Enemy. He’s already done enough!” Oh no. I saw those dreaded words on the paper. In the Name of Jesus. Pray to anyone else. Not to him. Not to that one. Oh. This can’t be good.”
“A sunset is God’s way of saying He loves you. A good grade on a test is God’s way of saying He loves you. Throughout any given day, God makes it so that you are comforted, secure and loved.”
“In my family, I was adopted. In this process, I was given a new name and a new way of living my life, having something I’ve never had before. That’s the kind of identity God wants to give you; He wants to make you brand new. He wants to introduce you to the life only He can bring.”