All Quotes By Tag: God
“I don’t try to figure out what God is going to do next. I just make certain that I’m prayed up enough so that I don’t miss it when He does it.”
“At the point that I have rigorously pressed out and reached the end of myself, I have in fact not even broached the place where God is about to begin. Therefore, a conclusion in my mind is barely a point of departure in God’s.”
“Some would say that paradise is the escapist ‘fiction’ of hapless minds caught up in the denial of a darkening world. But Christmas would say that the ‘paradise’ of escapist fiction has not a single shred of fiction in it at all.”
“OK booze, let’s make a deal, God will be my witness, I’ll keep you at 4 % and below, and you make me famous.”
“..But here’s the thing, Em. God can find a way to redeem even the worst fo choices, if you let Him….Emelia turned the concept over in her mind, trying to reconcile this idea of a God who could take the worst things in your life and use them to lead you to something good..”
“Allie sighed. ” Don’t equate Peter with God. Believing in God doesn’t make a person perfect. We’re still just as prone to messing up and doing the wrong thing as everyone else.”
“Why on earth would she believe in a God who forgives her when you won’t?”
“True. I don’t pretend to even begin to understand any of it now. Least of all why God went to so much effort to get through to a gito like me. But I’m glad He did.”
“Let people embrace their elected god or let them create one if they feel inspired. In case some want to share, it may be fun but if they don’t fancy the concept, they should be free to recant. (“Is Heaven a place in the sky?”)”
“When it comes to sacrifice, the glaring difference between myself and God is that for Him price is not a consideration. And while I hate to admit it, I find myself struggling to consider that that’s even possible.”
“Sometimes you have to do the hard thing to do the right thing. If it’s meant to be, God will work it out.”
“The way is not narrow. It’s wide. Everyone is welcome. However, we have to know that we are welcome or we keep the door shut ourselves.”
“You know, the truth is that sometimes when people ask how you know that God exists, it’s hard to come up with one compelling reason. It’s often such a conglomeration of so many things that, put together, create the proof you need.”
“I suppose, He must be used to seeing truant children roam far and wide, defying Him, mocking Him, cursing Him. And yet, coming back to Him finally. For He’s the last resort. And His is an ever present door of promise that since the beginning has stood erect in human psyche. We may ignore it, we may pull ourselves farther and farther away from it. We may turn blind to it and claim it isn’t there. But it is, right within ourselves. And when all other doors are barred, it still remains. And sooner or later we stumble back to it. There may not be anybody living behind that door. But it is there, as an undying assurance, and we seek it. It may remain closed to us forever. But we seek it. We bow our heads before it, we bang our heads before it, we cry, we urge, we bargain, all in hope that one day it will open and all will be well.”
“If God out of grace once emanates from the body in full measure and is seen in the seventh plan then He will never come back again into the bondage of the body. If Supreme Culture is once attained then it does never get extinct. It is sheer God’s Grace and God’s grace is perpetuated.”