“I stood my ground. “You evil scientist are all the same–evil. Count me out.”Fang and I brushed past Mr. God and walked quickly but smoothly to the exit. It was barely noon, and I’d already made a huge enemy.Dang, I’m good.”

“And Flock Rule Number Two is, Don’t argue with Max or you’ll live to regret it.” I spun and stomped out to the clearing, turning back for one last jab at Dylan. “And by the way, you clearly DON’T know me better than Fang does. Do you see Fang arguing with me? No, you do not.”Fang rolled his eyes.”

“Who, last time I’d checked, was still on our official archenemy list. (Yes, we have to keep a list. It’s kind of sad.)”

“Some kids get called ‘bundles of joy’ or ‘slices of heaven’ or ‘dreams come true.’ We got ‘the fifty-fourth generation of DNA experiments.’ Doesn’t have the same warm and fuzzy feel. But maybe I’m oversensitive.”

“You mean other than the wings? I once ate nine snicker bars in a row without barfing. It was a record.”

“And you’re blind?”Uh-huh,” Iggy said, trying to sound bored.Were you born that way?”No.”How did you become blind, uh, Jeff, is it?”Yeah, Jeff. Well, I looked directly at the sun, you know, the way they always tell you not to. If only I had listened.”

“Max, you’re the last of the hybrids who still has…a soul.’ … ‘She doesn’t have soul,’ Gazzy scoffed. ‘Have you ever seen her dance?”

“I can talk to fish!” Angel said happily, water dripping off her long, skinny body. “Ask one over for dinner,” Fang said, joining us.”

“They turned to Angel. “We will call you Little One,” the leader said, obviously deciding to dispense with the whole confusing name thing.”Okay,” said Angel agreeably. “I’ll call you Guy in a White Lab Coat.” He frowned.”That can be his Indian name,” I suggested.”

“Man, you weigh a freaking ton,” he told me. “What’ve you been eating, rocks?” “Why, is your head missing some?” I croaked. His mouth almost quirked in a smile, and that’s when I knew how upset he’d been”