“Wrath: What the hell are you supposed to ask?Rhage: I know! Who do you like the most? It’s me right?Come on, you know it is. Come oooooonnnnn-Butch: If its you,, I’ll kill myself.V: No, that just means she’s blind.Rhage: It has to be me.V: She said she didn’t like you at first.Rhage: Ah, but I won her over, which is more than anyone else can say about you, hot stuff.J.R.: I don’t like anyone the bestWrath: Right answer.Rhage: She’s just sparing all of you feelings. (grins, becoming impossibly handsome) She’s so polite.J.R.: Next question?Rhage: Why do you like me the best?”

“V shook his head. “Remember what you saw in that clearing, cop? How’d you like that anywhere near a female you loved?”Butch put down the Bud without drinking from it. His eyes traveled over Rhage’s body.“We’re going to need a shitload of steel,” the human muttered.”