“Your areas of calling bring out what is already in you”

“Your calling brings out what is inbuilt in you”

“Your gift must be polished and refined”

“Put a system in place of polishing your gift”

“If need be get all the necessary training”

“You have to get all the training necessary and come up with something that can only be compared to the best in the world”

“Whatever field or sphere of life you are “involved with only think in terms of best in the world”

“You must make every minutes that passes produce something”

“Begin to get involved in activities that produce results for you”

“Make sure you are constantly converting your time”

“Your life is your time”

“Time is rolling and passing wealth”

“The prove that you are converting your time is the product that is produced”

“Time is something you always have.”

“Your life is your time.”