“If you do not dare, don’t expect to have prosperity.”

“The great inventions would have not become a reality if their inventors listened to criticism or paid attention to people who tried to hold them back on their dreams. I advice you only share your dreams with those who think that you are extraordinary, not ordinary.”

“The great inventions would have never become a reality if their inventors listened to criticism or paid attention to people who tried to hold them back on their dreams. I advice you only share your dreams with those who think that you are extraordinary, not ordinary.”

“Encouraging others will help you achieve success, because happy people with high self-esteem and self-confidence are more willing to work harder. Also, they would do things beyond your expectations that you would have not gotten them to do by bossing them around.”

“Encouraging others will help you achieve own success. It is scientifically proven that happy people with high self-esteem and self-confidence are more willing to work harder. Happy people would do things beyond your expectations that you would have not gotten them to do by bossing them around.”

“Success is proportion to what you possess; skills, knowledge, commitment, will, and courage. And the level of your success will depend on how effectively you utilize them.”

“You cannot possibly know what gives you discomfort unless you step outside your comfort zone, this where change begins.”

“When you get up every morning, be grateful that you are alive. Most importantly, have a purpose as you arise from your bed, because each day spent without a purpose does not count at all.”

“There are two sides to every risk; one side consists of success, while the other side consists of failure. In order to achieve great success, one must fail enough times.”

“Having fun at what you do for work is going to substantially increase the possibility of you becoming successful.”

“While success enjoys audience, failure on the other hand can’t stand a witness.”

“After your first failure, the occurrence of a second failure closely depends on what you have learned from your past mistakes and whether or not you have drawn some valuable lessons.”

“If success is the peak (or the summit), or the final destination in the success journey, then failures should be treated as the stepping stones (stairs) to reach success.”

“There is no rule that you must do great things, but whatever you do, you must do your absolute best.”

“When you get up every morning, be grateful that you are alive; most importantly have a purpose as you arise from your bed, because each day without a purpose does not really count.”