“No matter who you are or what you do, life is going to push you around. You just have to make it push you in the right direction.”

“Blaming external factors is not going to enable you to succeed in the next try because you are going to play the pointing finger game again.”

“When you are true to yourself, you know better than letting people influence your decisions to distract you from reaching your goals.”

“Success comes with the luxury of matching all your wants with all your needs.”

“Success is a rare occurrence while failure is in abundance.”

“Dare to face your competition, because running from it is associated with losers.”

“Failing with a positive attitude is a lot better than succeeding with a lousy attitude.”

“If you do the right things today, you will be the right man tomorrow.”

“Instead of working hard for money, why not make money work hard for you; this way, you can have more time to enjoy life.”

“Thanks to all my sufferings, I am a man of success because of them.”

“Setting goals is a crucial step in the achievement of success, however the outcomes may be varied if you set your goals not based on what you deem important, but based on what others deem important.”

“Every risk bears with it the seeds of an opportunity: failure – success, fall – rise, and setback – come-back.”

“Throughout my life, I have not done things just because somebody deemed important; this why I am successful today.”

“Achieving quite easy things does not earn you glory, but getting right back up from the hardest fall to succeed gives you the feeling of real glory.”

“If everything was easy and life was beautiful in the absence of countless challenges and obstacles, success would have meant nothing of importance. Unfortunately, the real life today is not easy nor beautiful; there are tough challenges and never-ending obstacles; all of which and more might make you scream your head off, feel extreme frustration, or even go bananas. This is exactly why success is hard to achieve, and when you, you feel real glory.”