“Stop seeing discipline as something you hate or dislike; start embracing it, start loving it, start seeing it for the friend of your success that it really is, and start seeing comfort for the enemy of your success that it really is.”

“If you want to reach the mountain top, expect to see rugged roads ahead.”

“Living with a purpose in life is more rewarding than living a rich lifestyle without a purpose.”

“Living with a purpose in life is more fulfilling than living a rich lifestyle without a purpose.”

“There are no guarantees of success, if there were, it would have not been called real success. Success is an outcome, what counts more is the process together with the act of striving to achieve success.”

“If money is your only measure of success, do not be surprised when it is all you have.”

“The journey of the success train is from the first station to the final destination; if you plan to get off in between, you should not waste your time taking this trip.”

“Sometimes my successes come quickly and at other times they are terribly slow to arrive. It is not my place to determine the speed at which they arrive or if they arrive at all. My place is to keep forging ahead no matter what.”

“Your powers are great, you can do everything.If your life bring you a troublethat’s just to get the best out of you,Shade exists only because the sun shinesDiamond is created just under pressureSlobodan Boban Manic”

“Failure is just a realization to better way to success.”

“When you want the absolute best chance to succeed at anything you want, your approach should always be the same. Go small.”

“you have to have the fight to win to win the fight – (G Swiss)”

“When life sucks. LIFE SUCKS!”

“Failing is not the end of the world, but not trying is. I am who I am because I dared to fail and I was willing to learn from my failures.”

“The journey of success train is from the first station to the final destination; if you plan to get off in between, you should not waste your time taking this trip.”