All Quotes By Tag: Success
“Your powers are great, you can do everything.If your life bring you a troublethat’s just to get the best out of you,Shade exists only because the sun shinesDiamond is created just under pressureSlobodan Boban Manic”
“Failure is just a realization to better way to success.”
“When you get into the dark room You do not open the window and throw out the darknessYou push the button and the light is thereIf you feel the darkness in yourselfDo not bother to throw it outBring light into yourself and the darkness will disappearSlobodan Boban Manic”
“Success is not just the destination; it’s the entire journey, every bit of it. It’s not just the outcome rather it’s the entire process.”
“Dear HealerI do not want to hear “beautiful stories”about “wonderful” energies.I want to see the resultSlobodan Boban Manic”
“Real, true, key success is honestly liking yourself.”
“The right reason will reap the desired result,”
“There is no obstacle on the path of lovenot because they do not existbut because love ruins themSlobodan Boban Manic”
“Being relaxed does not mean beingsoft and weakSlobodan Boban Manic”
“BEWARE OF THOSEBeware of those who are bitter,For they will never allow youTo enjoy your fruit.Beware of those who criticize youWhen you deserve some praise for an achievement,For they secretly desire to be worshiped.Beware of those who are needy or stingy,For they would rather sting youThan give you anything.Beware of those who are always hungry.They will feed you to the wolvesJust to get paid.Beware of those who speak negativelyAbout everything and everybody.A negative person will never sayA positive thing about you.Beware of those who are boredAnd not passionate about life.They will bore you with reasons for not living.Beware of those who are too focused withPolishing and beautifying their outer shells.They lack true substance to understandThat genuine beauty is in the heartthat resides inside.Beware of those who step in the path of your dreams.They only dream to have the abilityTo take half your steps.Beware of those who steer you awayFrom your heart’s true happiness.It would make them happy to see youSteer yourself next to them,Sitting with both your hearts bitter.Those who are critical don’t like being criticized,And those who are insensitive have a deficiency in their senses.And finally,Beware of those who tell you to BEWARE.They are too aware of everything –And live alone, scared.BEWARE OF THOSE by Suzy Kassem”
“How far can you run? You’ll never know if you don’t move.”
“Your challenge will never get easier, but you will get stronger if you don’t quit.”
“Treadmill sweat isn’t as sweet as trail sweat.”
“People who run for the love of running understand that life is about moving forward.”
“If you can’t run fast, run slow. If you can’t run slow, walk. If you can’t walk, crawl. All that matters is that you don’t stop moving.”