“Life’s Too Short. Dream Big And Commit Big Because You Deserve To Live the Life You Dream.”

“Your body is made to move so move it.”

“Teachers should teach peopleabout the laws of the Universe,love, healthy lifeMy VISIONabout the FUTURENo Healers, No Doctors, Teaches only”

“The game of mind and emotions is eternalIf YOU run the Gameyou’ll see how the Universe gives a lotSlobodan Boban Manic”

“People are given full freedom of decision-makingSome use it for good and be goodSome use it for evil, and be evilWhen those who use evil,sword of destiny swingingthrough their lives,They experience greater pain and sufferingthan those to whom they gave itSlobodan Boban Manic”

“If some people would work on themselves morethan on othersThey would make this world much better for lifeSlobodan Boban Manic”

“The law says: you have the right to do what you likeHow big is that truth for those who know itand how it is a great misconception for those who do not knowSlobodan Boban Manic”

“The Universe is neither good nor badThe Universe is always exactSo, learn the Laws andUse them”

“If you don’t know where you are going, you will never get there.”

“To succeed in the world, you do not need luck or favoritism; what you need is you already have, try, try again, and try harder. Other essential ingredients are commitment, dedication, consistency, and the iron-will.”

“When you know people, and those people know what you do, success knows how to find you.”

“There are two kinds of success: Good success and bad success! Good success is to be successful without jostling people around or walking over others!”

“When you run, every step you take leaves your weaker self behind and brings you one step closer to the strongest person you can be.”

“No one has ever said, “Sorry I went running this morning.”

“It is not how fast or how far, but how often you run that makes you a real runner.”