“How long you run matters. How far you run counts. But the fact that you run is what makes you a runner.”

“Never underestimate or fail to appreciate the power of a good run.”

“Lace up those shoes, breathe deep, and get out there. You’ve got miracles to make happen today.”

“Treadmill sweat isn’t as sweet as trail sweat.”

“People who run for the love of running understand that life is about moving forward.”

“If you can’t run fast, run slow. If you can’t run slow, walk. If you can’t walk, crawl. All that matters is that you don’t stop moving.”

“Those runners who hit their second wind know find something most of the world never discovers.”

“If you call your failures and all the bad things happen to you a destiny; or similarly, you call all the good things happen to you a fate, then the success happening to you is impossible in this line of logic. You do not wait around for success to happen to you, you happen to success; when it does, you can then call it destiny or fate, it does not really matter.”

“If you call your failures and all the bad things happen to you a destiny; or similarly, you call all the good things happen to you a fate, then the success happening to you is impossible in this line of logic. You do not wait around for success to happen to you, you happen to success; when your hard work and dedication leads to success, you can then call it anything you like, destiny or fate it does not really matter.”

“I spend my day in one of three fundamental positions: sitting down, laying down or standing up. And if I’m at all interested in making any progress in life, I might take a moment and consider the fact that two-thirds of these begin and end in the same place.”

“Don’t just wish for success, earn it!”

“Falling is not failing. Failing is failing to get back up when you fall.”

“Runners don’t just run to strengthen their bodies, they run to strengthen their spirits.”

“Teachers should teach peopleabout the laws of the Universe,love, healthy lifeMy VISIONabout the FUTURENo Healers, No Doctors, Teaches only”

“The game of mind and emotions is eternalIf YOU run the Gameyou’ll see how the Universe gives a lotSlobodan Boban Manic”