All Quotes By Tag: Success
“Pursue your transformation from a place of freedom and peace.”
“You alone can create the change you seel. But how? By accepting things as they are, you allow yourself to make apt choices.”
“She fulfills every purpose while touching the sky. Can anything ever stop her fly?”
“Improvement at anything is based on a thousand of tiny failures, …and the magnitude of your success is based on how many times you’ve failed at something.”
“People who have their dreams fulfilled are those who go outside their comfort zones to fight for their dreams.”
“Having an iron will is what separates successful people from others. Of course right skill sets, knowledge, and other essential ingredients are important but a lack in will, even if everything else is present, is going to result in a failure.”
“Wining is a natural outcome of persistent trying which may consist of many failures.”
“Winning is a natural outcome of persistent trying which may consist of many failures.”
“People who constantly brag about their success are one-time achievers. On the other hand, people with repeated successes are humble, who hardly ever talk about their achievements.”
“You are tempted to talk about your success; moreover, you want the whole world to hear about it. But don’t, keeping quiet will get people to recognize and appreciate your success more.”
“Success is sacrifice.”
“To succeed in the new year, you have to set your priority right, pursue your goals with zeal and do away with procrastination.”
“Accomplished people never sit around and wait for things to happen to them, they rather make things happen. More precisely, they happen to things.”
“The two common characteristics of people who repeatedly fail are hardly ever listening and never learning from past failures.”
“Achieving even little things require confidence, courage, and believing in yourself; but achieving great things is hardly possible in the absence of great failures. If you are constantly afraid of failing, unfortunately you will be confined to a mediocre performance.”