All Quotes By Tag: Work
“Good times don’t last and bad times don’t stay forever.”
“Change is constant.”
“Time management is essential for a work-life balance.”
“Change is difficult, since it challenges the status quo.”
“Time well-spent is life well-lived.”
“Experience is costly knowledge.”
“God gave you the knowledge and ability for you to advance His Kingdom through your work”
“Specific knowledge is needed in every work, if we want to have success”
“You must learn to see everything around yourself as a resources, your opportunities, and turn them into your weapons to get them working in your favor, in order to achieve your goal”
“What makes more sense in today’s world?Thinking about future, she ruined her present?OrThinking about present, she ruined her future?”
“You must know what to do with your time if you must become great in this life. You must know what to do with your time if you must fulfill your purpose on the earth.”
“You must choose what you do with your time. You must not just do things because everybody is doing them.”
“The difference between one person who is living in poverty and another person living in wealth is their understanding of what to do with time.”