“Our gestures will not erase Karma.Our Shield will protect you against the assaults of the dark forces.But the settlement of old accounts in unavoidable.The Hand of Fate leads towards the Good.”

“Carry the light, and do not look back.”

“Whence dreams are begotten,Where sacrifices are extolled,Where the Invisible Light glorifies labor,Thence come My Blessings.In the whispering of leaves,In the splash of waves,In the murmur of the breeze,I am with you.Amidst the cruel and the dark ones,Amidst treason of the spirit,Amidst strife and sorrow,My Shield is over you.”

“Love even the knot-grass. God created it.Understanding is concealed in the heart.”

“Joy is the manifestation of the Creator’s Power, illumining a world in darkness.”