“This universe is nothing but energy, information, and vibration.”

“When we expand our consciousness, we transform and expand the experiences of the universe.”

“You are a bunch of atoms that manifest as a human being. For a very short time, your human form enriches the experiences of this universe.”

“Consciousness is a very simple phenomenon. Because we don’t understand it, we think it is a very complicated process.”

“Human beings are just a ripple in the ocean of consciousness.”

“In a very true sense, I have no country or nationality. I am a dance of consciousness that belongs to this universe and to eternity.”

“In solitude, you see yourself in the mirror of you mind. If you love yourself, you will enjoy those moments as if you are spending time with a lovely friend. If you don’t love yourself, you will feel as if you are spending time with a stranger.”

“May Christmas fill your heart with hope the whole year long. May you find love, joy, happiness, and kindness where you long to belong.”

“Life is like a burning cigarette. It afflicts the body without a regret.”

“When you feel stressed or depressed, you fear that you will not be able to fulfill your desires.”

“In deep silence, I feel the creative force roaring like a tsunami”

“Words explain things half-heartedly while feelings reveal the hidden beauty of things.”

“Don’t just love others; never forget to love yourself too.”

“In matters of love and friendship, I always try to emulate a dog.”

“To be happy, always find a reason to appreciate everything.”